St. Mary’s has a long tradition of caring for one another as well as those in our community. Our rector can often be found at an area hospital or the home of an ailing parishioner, lending a comforting word, a prayer and the well wishes of other St. Mary’s members. Complementing the efforts of our rector, our Pastoral Care Team reaches out to those in need in a variety of ways. Please join them in helping our neighbors. It is very important that we be informed if parishioners are in need, sick, in the hospital or homebound. Please contact Father Rick (his mobile phone is 917.673.6726) and he or a member of the pastoral care team will come to you or your relative.

Please see below for the types of support we provide or contact Jane Garofano, chairperson of pastoral care, with any questions.


Lay eucharistic ministers who make home and hospital visits

Meal Support

Preparation and delivery of home-cooked meals

Pet Care Support

Assistance in facilitating pet care for those who are hospitalized

Transportation Support

Offering rides to and from medical appointments


Visits, phone calls and cards