St Mary’s Yard Sale aims to provide quality items that your family may have outgrown or grown tired of and can be recycled for others’ use. The funds raised go to outreach locally, and to support the orphans we provide for in South Africa. Your donations are tax deductible.
Donations for our upcoming Yard Sale can be dropped off at St Mary’s until Sept 20th during office hours (M-F, 9-1) or left on the Chapel Porch at other times. We will be selling household items, clothing and shoes for all ages, sports equipment, toys, jewelry, handbags, bric a brac, bikes, antiques,small electric appliances, pictures, etc.
NO BOOKS OR TVs or DVD PLAYERS PLEASE. If you have furniture please bring to the Train Station direct and be prepared to take it away if it does not sell. Everything must be clean and in working order. Thank you for your support!
If you can volunteer any time to help transport goods to the Train Station, serve at the sale, or sort donations prior to the sale days please call St Mary’s Office 351 5122 , or Sue Heywood 351 3473.