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Palm Sunday

Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday with the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, followed by the agony of the Passion that he was about to endure. Many thanks to everyone who joined our first service ever on “Zoom” hosted from the rectory so that we could share together in reading the Passion, as is our tradition at St. Mary’s. Unfortunately, the quality of wifi and technology prevents us from using Zoom for services held in the church, but we will continue live streaming the services on Facebook and publish full bulletins in advance (for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday Vigil, and Easter Sunday) so that everyone may continue to participate fully in the services. We will also plan to have Vestry meetings and virtual Coffee Hours via Zoom going forward!

Here is the link to the service on Facebook. Below is the full service on Zoom.

Earlier Event: February 26
Ash Wednesday
Later Event: April 6
Holy Monday - Evening Prayer