The Holy Eucharist (or Mass) is our central form of worship. We begin by hearing the eternal word of God opened unto us, and we pray for our loved ones and the world. We then receive the sacrament of Christ's Body and Blood, which inspires us to go out into the world and do His work.

We actively include lay members of the parish in our services, and youth are especially encouraged to participate. Please see more information below about the many ways to get involved and help worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.



Acolytes serve to enhance our worship experience at St. Mary's by assisting the priest in lighting candles, leading processions, preparing the altar for Holy Eucharist, and accepting the offering from the ushers. One of them also usually leads the reading of the psalm. This ministry is open to adults and children in fourth grade or above. Children and youth are especially encouraged to serve.

Altar Guild

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The Altar Guild prepares and cares for the vessels & vestments used in the sacred liturgies with reverence, devotion and attention to detail. The twelve or so members serve in pairs for two weeks about every two months. Their duties are to prepare the altars for all regular services, as well as special services as needed (e.g. weddings, baptisms, funerals). A check is kept on vestments for cleaning, laundering, and small repairs. Some linen is laundered by members as well. Supplies of candles, wine, and wafers need to be purchased on a regular basis. Periodically, silver and brass needs polishing.

The flowers on the altar at Sunday services are donated by parishioners in memory of loved ones, in celebration of a birthday or anniversary, or in gratitude for a blessing -- please visit the Giving page to make a flower donation.

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Please contact Wendy Favia, the chairperson of our Altar Guild and the V. Davis Flower Fund, for more information.

Eucharistic Ministers

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The Eucharistic Minister is a lay (non-ordained) person licensed by the bishop to administer the consecrated elements of the eucharist. At St. Mary's, this role usually includes administering the chalice during communion in the absence of a sufficient number of priests and deacons to assist the celebrant.

They may also be licensed to go from a celebration of the eucharist to share the sacrament with members of the congregation who were unable to be present because of illness or infirmity. Lay eucharistic ministers may be licensed for either or both ministries. This ministry is understood to be an extraordinary ministry, and is not to take the place of the ministry of priests and deacons concerning the administration of the eucharist.


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Lectors are those lay (non-ordained) volunteers who read Holy Scripture at the service. Lectors do not vest but come up from the congregation to read at the lectern. The ministry of Lector is open to adults as well as children in sixth grade or above.


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Ushers facilitate parish worship by greeting parishioners, distributing worship bulletins, physically assisting worshipers when needed, collecting the offering, and assisting with communion. Following the service, the ushers make sure the pews are orderly. They also record the offering and submit a report.

Related Sunday Ministries

Sunday School

Please visit our Children's page to learn more about Sunday School.


Please visit our Music page to learn more about our choir.

Coffee Hour

Please visit our Fellowship page to learn more about coffee hour, which takes places after the 10 am service every Sunday.