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Richard James Robÿn


Father Rick is the twelfth rector of St. Mary's, serving the parish since August 2017. He was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan, and graduated from Loyola University New Orleans (BA ’97) and the General Theological Seminary (M.Div. ’07) of the Episcopal Church. After seminary, he served as curate at the Church of the Resurrection in Manhattan.

Before coming to Tuxedo, Father Rick served as the 31st rector of Trinity Church Oxford in Philadelphia. Founded in 1698 and built in 1711, it is one of the oldest and most historic churches in the country. A special joy for him at Trinity was working with the children, teaching the faith while watching them grow in discipleship.

Outside of his work as a priest, Father Rick has a passion for history, historic preservation, music, travel and gardening. He is married to Pete Datos, who serves as an operations executive in New York City. Pete enjoys the traditions of the Episcopal church, singing in the choir, and the many opportunities for fellowship.


St. Mary's is governed by a vestry, the legal representative of the parish with regard to all matters pertaining to its corporate property. It is comprised of two wardens and nine members, who are elected by the parish at our annual meeting to serve two and three year terms, respectively. The basic responsibilities of the vestry are to help define and articulate the mission of the parish, to support the church's mission by word and deed, to ensure effective organization, and to manage resources and finances.

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  • Lili Neuhauser, Senior Warden, ‘25

  • Jane Garofano, Junior Warden, ‘24

  • JoAnn Hanson, Treasurer, ‘26

  • Dennis Trotter, Clerk, ‘24

  • Kimberly Breiland ‘24

  • Calvin De Mond ‘25

  • Inger Grüterich ‘25

  • Sue Heywood ‘26

  • Jock MacKinnon ‘25

  • Elizabeth Ochieng ‘24

  • Cecily Potouridis ‘26

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Edwin H. Cromey

Rector Emeritus

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Sheldon Eldridge

Organist and Choirmaster

Sheldon is a graduate of Westminster Choir College in Princeton, New Jersey, where he majored in organ and church music. Graduate study included organ performance with William Hays and choral conducting with Joseph Flummerfelt. He also coached with Eugene Roan (organ). Summer studies at Merton College, Oxford, involved courses in Renaissance music with Gustav Reese, Denis Stevens and Alec Robertson. Sheldon attended the Royal School of Church Music’s summer courses for many years. He is quite conversant with the great choral literature of our tradition, from the Tudor period to the present day.

Prior to St. Mary’s, Sheldon has held the position of Organist and Choirmaster in a number of Episcopal churches in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York State. He spent thirteen years at Trinity Church in Ossining, NY., where he affiliated the parish with the Royal School of Church Music, reconstituted the adult choir program, created a new parish psalter for the three-year cycle for the singing of Anglican Chant and established and directed an evensong/recital series and the annual service of Lessons and Carols and expanded while revising the choral music library. He has served on the Board of the New York City Chapter of the American Guild of Organists, and is a member of the Saint Wilfrid Club of the City of New York.

Sheldon Eldridge has been teaching piano to children for over twenty years. Before moving to Princeton, New Jersey, he had a studio with over twenty-five students in northern New Jersey, principally in the Ridgewood area. He particularly enjoys working with beginners and giving them a happy experience learning to play well.

Section Leaders

  • Aileen Mahoney, Soprano

  • Johanna Rose, Alto

  • Anthony Cinelli, Tenor

  • Will Dickinson, Bass

Jennifer Polloni

Administrative Assistant

Other Staff Members

  • Natalia Mouryn, Bookkeeper

  • Aivars Silins, Maintenance

Ministry Chairs

Various areas of parish life are overseen by committees and led by a chairperson.

  • Altar Guild and V. Davis Flower Fund - Wendy Favia

  • Buildings & Grounds - Jane Garofano

  • Church School - Jennifer Polloni

  • Churchyard Manager - Greg Stevens

  • Communications - Pete Datos

  • Emporium - Lili Neuhauser

  • Finance - JoAnn Hanson

  • Music - Sheldon Eldridge

  • Outreach - Sue Heywood

  • Pastoral Care - Lili Neuhauser

  • Stewardship - Inger Grüterich